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Event Details
We'll meet to paint or sketch and socialize at the Hacienda de Mesilla for April's paintout. See you Thursday, April 7th from 10:30-12:30 Hacienda de Mesilla (1891 Avenida de Mesilla) -located in historic Old Mesilla; an inn, grill and cantina -beautiful courtyard with lovely flowers in bloom all over and amazing views from the veranda -meet in the courtyard
We'll meet to paint or sketch and socialize at the Hacienda de Mesilla for April's paintout. See you Thursday, April 7th from 10:30-12:30
Hacienda de Mesilla (1891 Avenida de Mesilla)
-located in historic Old Mesilla; an inn, grill and cantina
-beautiful courtyard with lovely flowers in bloom all over and amazing views from the veranda
-meet in the courtyard
New Mexico Watercolor Society
P.O. Box 11604Albuquerque, NM 87192
Contact - nmwatercolorsociety[at]
New Mexico Watercolor Society - SCPO Box 1571Las Cruces, NM 88004-1571 Contact - nmwatercolorsociety[at]