Registration for
The 27th Annual
MasterWorks of NM Exhibition
Painting Registration and Submissions
Have Closed
**Check status of Art Call Entry HERE**
Notification Acceptance - emailed by Feb. 10th.
Please READ, PRINT and SAVE the Prospectus, below
see the Prospectus for list of important dates
Notes on image management
Digital image must accurately represent the painting!
No extraneous items, such as mats, frames or background should show in image.
•FILE FORMAT: JPG files only, less than 10MB file size!
•IMAGE SIZE: 1920 pixels on longest side
•IMAGE FILE NAME: Your Painting Title.jpg
For example: Vase of Flowers.jpg (Painting Title Limitation: 25 characters, including punctuation and spaces.)
Recommended software for adjusting Image size: Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom, Preview, or other photo editing
software. Go to Image Size or Adjust Size to make necessary adjustments. save as the highest quality jpg file.
Miniature Paintings
The Prospectus contains info and forms for Miniature Paintings
Miniature - Online Entry Forms Due by February 28 (5 pm)
ALL SHIPPED Standard Fine Artwork & Miniature Fine Artwork must be received by March 7th, 5PM
Accepted Painting Turn-in Day: Sunday, Mar. 9th, 10AM - 1PM (includes hand-delivered Miniatures)
Opening Reception: Fri., Mar. 21st, 5 - 8PM
MasterWorks Show Last Day: Sun., Apr. 13th
Hand-back: Mon., Apr. 14th, 10AM - 1PM
(Easter 2025 is Apr. 20)
File Manager is Barbara McGuire (505-235-1375)
**USE THIS Address to ENTER**
or use this QR code