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Register for Las Cruces Symphony Opening Night SC Exhibit

  • Saturday, June 22, 2024
  • Friday, September 06, 2024
  • NMSU's Atkinson Hall, 1075 N Horseshoe, Las Cruces, NM


Registration is closed

Register: Las Cruces Symphony
Opening Night Exhibit

The Southern Chapter of the New Mexico Watercolor Society has been invited to create a one-night exhibit on Saturday September 28, 2024, in conjunction with the Las Cruces Symphony’s opening night performance for its 2024-25 season. Attendance is estimated to be around 400 for opening night.  We hope you’ll be inspired to submit a painting!

The Symphony will be performing Ravel’s arrangement for orchestra of Modest Mussorgsky’s "Pictures at an Exhibition” which was based on an St. Petersburg 1874 memorial exhibition of artwork by the recently deceased Russian painter Viktor Hartman. We will be painting in response to a movement (or the promenade) of this piece. Here are the highlights, but download and read the full call:    2024 Fall Symphony call to SC Artists.pdf

General: This is a non-juried exhibition only available to members of NMWS-SC in good standing. Each artist may submit one (1) painting for display Paintings must be original, inspired by “Pictures at an Exhibition”, and done in water media on paper.  You will be asked on the online entry form to specify which movement (or the promenade) was your inspiration.  Paintings may or may not be for sale. 

Presentation: Paintings will not be framed but protected by a mat, backing board and shrink wrapped. They will be prepared for display in a uniform fashion by and through an arrangement with Symphony patron Picture Frame Outlet and Gallery at a cost to the artist of $20.  Outside mat dimension will be 16x20 or 20x16 inches and the inside dimension using a 2.5-inch mat on all sides is 11x15 or 15x11inches. No other sizes will be accepted for this exhibition.

Steps: Please text Nancy Tipton at 830-990-1708  (preferred) or email at by August 1, 2024 to express your interest in participation.

Register here and pay the $20 assembly presentation fee.  The deadline is September 6, 2024.   Bring your painting to Good Sam’s at our September 8th meeting (2-4 pm) with a printout of your email receipt.

New Mexico Watercolor Society

P.O. Box 11604
Albuquerque, NM 87192

Contact - nmwatercolorsociety[at]

New Mexico Watercolor Society - SC
PO Box 1571
Las Cruces, NM 88004-1571                           Contact - nmwatercolorsociety[at]

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