REGISTER for May 2nd-5th Watercolor Workshop
with Dale Laitinen
Dale is an active workshop instructor and signature member of the National Watercolor Society (NWS) and Watercolor West (WW). He has been featured in, The Artist's Magazine, Watercolor Magic, Watercolor Magazine, Drawingboard Magazine and in several books including The Splash Series, Painting with the White of your Paper, The Transparent Watercolor Wheel and more!
Spring Watercolor WORKSHOP
to take place on Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri.
May 2, 3, 4, 5, 2023 - 9AM to 4PM
at the Fine Arts Gallery, EXPO-NM
Topic - Shapeshifting the Western Landscape
Shapeshifting implies that this workshop will focus on the underlying structure of the composition with emphasis on shape making.To create any work of art we need to use the art elements—line, shape, value, color, and texture. We use these to create design which will be the means to develop more dynamic works that go beyond the literalness of our subject.
Goals - Drawing for painting. Each individual will be asked to bring subject matter of their own choosing based on the theme of the workshop. In this case, the landscape of the West. Artists will bring photos that they have made—published photos by other sources are discouraged. To encourage creativity we use our own observations to exhibit our own unique vision. Our ultimate goal is to begin with sketches and reach the final brushstroke on our watercolor paper. I plan to demo the canyons and mesas of the West as well mountain regions.
CANCELLATION POLICY - Workshop Cancellation Policy
The cost of the Workshop is $440.00 per student to be paid in full at registration. The Workshop is limited to 20 students on a “first come, first served” basis, with registration opening March 18, 2023 to NMWS members, all others April 1, 2023. Once registered, if you cancel, and the workshop is full, you will receive a full refund only if your space in the workshop is re-filled.
Workshop Coordinator is Ray Prudhomme - 505-296-0273
There will be a Public Painting Demo on Monday evening , May 1, starts at 7PM, in the Fine Arts Gallery, EXPO-NM. Admission - $10
Laitinen Workshop Supply List - 2023-03 Laitinen Materials List 2023.pdf The list is suggested, but if participants have other favorites they are welcome to bring their own supplies.
Dale says: - Please encourage subject selection earlier than last minute. Subject reference can be from the participants "own" images, not other artists or photographers work.
Each artist can stand or sit to work. I stand throughout my painting sessions.
Each day I demo in the morning. Afternoons consist of individual instruction with each participant. Occasionally, I may spend a half hour completing my demo in the later portion of the instruction period. I prefer hold group critiques ofprevious day's work, the morning after.
A sketch in the style Dale will be presenting.