The 2021 NM Watercolor Society
ABQ Fall National Exhibition
Entries for the FALL Show CANNOT be done through this website.
ALL Entries MUST be done via the ArtCall software. Please click below
This Exhibition is open for entry to any watercolor artist, nationwide.
The Guest Juror is Steven Griggs

Juror Demo is Sept. 27, 7PM in the Fine Arts Gallery EXPO-NM, Admission $10, unless enrolled in workshop.
Steve Griggs Workshop Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1, 2021
Exhibition Open Oct 2-24 Thursday-Sunday 10AM-4PM
(closing 3PM on the 24th)
Opening Reception - October 2, 2021, 11AM-2PM
with Awards Presentation & Discussion
Fine Arts Gallery Show closes - Oct. 24, 2021, at 3 PM
Paintings returned @ 4PM.
Unsold paintings will then be (with artist permission) displayed on the NMWS Facebook and Instagram Sales pages, with potential for nationwide sales!
The NMWS File Manager for the Fall Show is Tina Stallard - (505) 385-0432. Please contact Tina for all questions regarding the Exhibition Prospectus.
The NMW Exhibition Chair for the Fall Show is Linda Krumel (505)-321-5982. Please contact Linda for all questions regarding the Exhibition itself.
Please READ and PRINT OUT the ONLINE SPRING Exhibition Prospectus, below for dates, times, guidelines and hanging standards.
There is HELP AVAILABLE for those having difficulty with Registration or Image Upload in August. In ABQ area, contact Woody Duncan or Barbara McGuire, to schedule contactless appointment.
In Las Cruces, contact Laurie Kibbe or in El Paso, contact Rachel Murphree, to schedule a contactless appointment.
There will be a fee of $5 for each painting photographed or uploaded.
Members must have the email used to log-in to the website along with their Password (written down, in hand) to obtain assistance.
Registration ENTRY DEADLINE is @
6:00 PM on Friday, August 20, 2021.